A message from our CEO: 
Our commitment to responsible management

Power Corporation has built its business on a strong foundation of integrity, ethical conduct, and responsible management – intrinsic components of our approach to value creation and our commitment to sustainability. By generating both business and social value, we play a role in addressing the many environmental and societal challenges facing society, thereby contributing to a more sustainable world. 

Across Power and our group companies, resources and energy continued to be devoted to making progress on these important challenges. Success in these matters is vital to our success as a company, as it is for all of us collectively, as a society. Throughout 2023, we continued to embed ESG considerations in our businesses – through our board representation at our group companies, senior management engagement, knowledge sharing, and our group-wide working groups – enabling us to mitigate risk, create long-term value and earn the confidence of our clients, business partners, shareholders, employees and the communities in which we are present.

Power and its group companies are dedicated to the advancement of environmental sustainability efforts, playing our part for a future that reconciles prosperity and action to address climate change. As a holding company, our direct environmental impact is limited, however we regularly engage with our group companies regarding their strategies and approach they choose to adopt in support of this commitment. We are proud that several Power group companies are signatories or members of climate-related initiatives, including the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, Climate Action 100+ and the Net Zero Asset Management initiative, and that our alternative asset management businesses have launched new investment strategies aimed at climate impact. 

Our group companies have a long and proud history of being responsible employers, operating in a principled and disciplined manner. As a group, we are dedicated to attracting, developing and retaining an engaged and diverse workforce who are united in the pursuit of our strategies and goals. We believe the quality of one’s people and the fostering of a positive and inclusive culture are some of the most important factors in achieving long-term success.

Lastly, in line with our deeply held value of corporate citizenship and active community involvement, the Power group has also invested substantially in 2023 to help develop thriving and empowered communities across Canada. We see it as our responsibility to make a meaningful difference in the cities and regions where we are present through corporate donations and community engagement, as well as through our employee volunteering initiatives. 

Power’s approach to sustainability is rooted in this responsible management philosophy, as well as in its mission statement, Corporate Sustainability Statement and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and supported by several key corporate policies and statements. In addition, we are a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), formally adhering to the UNGC’s Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption, as well as the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Inspired by both the SDGs and the UNGC principles, in this website we present tangible examples of the contribution our group of companies is making to advance social and economic progress. Throughout, we share examples of how responsible management allows us, and our group companies, to generate long-term value as we continue to progress on our sustainability journey.

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