Our environmental responsibility

Our commitment to environmental responsibility is underpinned by the importance we place on preventing and minimizing the impact of our activities on the environment. Despite its limited environmental impact as a holding company, the Corporation recognizes its environmental responsibilities in its own operations, as well as through its investment process and procurement practices. Sound environmental practices and behaviours are entrenched in our approach to business activities; we remain committed to conducting our activities in an environmentally responsible manner by focusing on continuously improving our practices.

As a holding company, our direct environmental impact is limited to the operations of our head office, which has no production or manufacturing functions. Despite this limited impact, we work diligently to reduce our environmental footprint, while working with our group companies to support their environmental management initiatives and commitments.

Our management approach to the environment is formalized through our Environmental Policy, which sets out our commitment to conduct our activities in an environmentally responsible manner and covers all environmental topics as relevant to the Corporation’s activities, investment process and procurement practices. Our environmental commitments are reinforced by our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Corporate Sustainability Statement, and extended to third parties that work for/on our behalf through our Third Party Code of Conduct. Our major publicly traded operating companies have similar environmental commitments in place.

Our environmental management activities are overseen by the Vice-President, Administration and Human Resources, and the Vice-President and General Counsel.

We have focused our environmental priorities on:

Energy and carbon footprint


Use of renewable resources


Waste from landfills


Products and services responsibly

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